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Monday, October 28, 2013

Bamboo Bedding Plus Now Sells Clothes!

Bamboo Bedding Plus is pleased to announce the expansion of their offerings to include clothing for men and women, bringing quality bamboo shirts, dresses and scarves to the environmentally conscious consumer.

October 1, 2013
Chicago, IL

Bamboo Bedding Plus ( is thrilled to announce the addition of bamboo clothing - bamboo t-shirts, golf shirts, dresses and scarves – to its site.  The vendor, Casualmere’s mission is similar to their own, committed to sustainability, social responsibility and quality.

Casualmere is an environmentally minded company.    Their products are made from bamboo, which is quick growing, and needs no pesticides, no fertilizers, or no extra watering.  They are constantly looking for ways to improve the eco-responsible processes they use in the production of their clothes.  Additionally, Casualmere also donates a percentage of all sales to cancer research.

Casualmere’s clothes are made up of at least 95% bamboo.  The bamboo fabric is soft to the touch and feels great against the skin.  The bamboo material absorbs the dye well, creating vibrant colors that don’t fade.    The fabric breathes but also wicks away moisture and is machine washable.  Their products are contemporary and simple and the company is always looking for ways to improve them.  The product is well-constructed, they use double needle enforced stitching at the neck and shoulder seams.  The material drapes to flatter the wearer’s shape and all of Casualmere’s clothing is label free.  The logo and garment care is printed directly on each item. 

Bamboo Bedding Plus continues to quality bamboo products for the environmentally conscious consumer.  For more information and to view the selection Casualmere men’s and women’s available go to is an eco-friendly company, providing bamboo sheets, towels and clothing as an alternative to cotton, cotton blend and synthetic fiber textiles.

Bamboo Bedding Plus
Diane Fifles, Owner

Saturday, October 26, 2013

How do I Keep the Caramel from Sliding Off My Caramel Apples

Good Morning.  Just a quick post today.  I learned something new and wanted to share.  And surprise, is food related and I got the tip from The Chew.  Carla Hall was making Crispy Peanut Butter Caramel Apples with peanut butter inside!  But, that was not the cool part.  When making caramel apples at home, most of the time, the caramel does not stay on the apple because of the wax coating on most store bought apples.  Her suggestion was to bring a small pot of water to a rolling boil, briefly submerge the apple in the water and then wipe off the wax with a paper towel. 

There was another site, that recommends using fine grit wax paper to gently get off some of the wax, be careful not to take any of the apple skin.  She does not recommend rinsing and drying the apples again, but it seems like it might be a good idea.

Oh, and here is the link for Carla Hall's Crispy Peanut Butter Caramel Apples.  There is even a video to demonstrate how to make them.

Carla Hall's Crispy Peanut Butter Caramel Apples

Sunday, October 20, 2013

More Wisdom from "The Chew"

From Getty by way of The Luxist
Good Afternoon All.  Once again, The Chew has provided some handy information I think is worth sharing.  The following three tips may seem random, but they all came from one episode of The Chew, which is sadly no longer up.

The first tip is only good for brunettes and other dark haired people, who make coffee at home in a traditional coffee maker.  Wow, that is specific, but you will see what I mean in a minute.  If you make coffee in the morning and you have some left over.  Let it cool and you can use it as a hair rinse.  It is supposed to make your hair shiny and lustrous.  I guess if you use it on other color haired you might get a little residual color. 

Next, you can make a compound using an egg shell and apple cider vinegar that can help with dry skin and muscle soreness.  Rinse out the egg shell and let it dry.  Then put it in a jar with enough apple cider vinegar to cover the shell about a third of the way and put it in the refrigerator for two days.  The resulting mixture can be applied directly to your skin and help with the above issues.

And, lastly, blasting the myth that coffee needs to be put into the freezer.  This was discussed on The Chew as a big no-no.  Interestingly, when I looked on the Internet for more information, there were many conflicting entries.  But, here is the gist of the point, coffee and coffee beans are sensitive to light, moisture and temperature extremes and the flavor of the coffee starts breaking down immediately after roasting.

The following was taken from  The Luxist Awards and it was written well enough that I didn't see any need to re-write it.

Although freezing whole beans can be okay in some cases (like if you have more beans than you can use up in a week or two) it only works if you seal them up and freeze them once -- not to be opened or removed from the freezer until you're ready to thaw the whole batch. 

Even then the quality will have taken a small hit. But opening the freezer and unsealing frozen beans every time you want a pot of coffee not only exposes the entire batch to unwanted temperature fluctuations but also damaging moisture from condensation and miscellaneous odors and flavors in the air that the coffee will absorb. The refrigerator is even worse because it's not cold enough to significantly slow deterioration but it still has all the negative effects of condensation and 'flavored' air. So the takeaway here is: Avoid the refrigerator at all costs and only freeze coffee beans you aren't planning to use anytime soon.

My friends at The Chew say it is never okay to put the coffee in the freezer, but the above reasoning sounds reasonable.  But this is not coming from a coffee drinker (me).

The way to store the beans, the original writer of this post had a very strong opinion against buying already ground coffee, is in an airtight container, ideally glass, in a cool, dark place.  He says that using tin or plastic can taint the flavor. He says the ground coffee should be stored the same way.


Thursday, September 19, 2013

You Can't Tell if Your Breath is Fresh By Breathing on Your Hand

I think we all knew this but good to have that myth busted once and for all.  That little gem and other interesting info is dispensed on this video I stumbled across on why you should scrape your tongue.  Guess what?  Brushing doesn't get the putrefied gunk off your tongue.  My drug store didn't carry the kind of scraper that the dentist used in the video but I think the one I bought does the trick.

There is also some good information about keeping your breath fresh and how stress and anxiety can cause bad breath. 

Click on the pic for the video and article.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Sale On All Pure Fiber Products on

Bed Sheets (Cal. King, King, Queen) Now 119.99-89.99
A little over a year ago, I let you know about a website I started which sells  100% bamboo sheets and 100% bamboo towel sets for individuals interested in “greener” options for their household bed and bath linens. The site will be an online shop for people looking for alternatives to the traditional cotton, cotton blend, and polyester sheet and towel sets.

Bamboo is an extremely environmentally friendly plant, once planted, it does not need to be replanted, grows quickly, and does not require pesticides or fertilizer to help it grow. It grows faster than cotton and does not need reseeding to grow once it is cut.

Viscose from bamboo is exceptionally soft and less expensive than silk or cashmere. Additionally, bamboo sheets and towels are more durable then these two fabrics and can be conveniently washed at home in the washer and dryer.
The bamboo yarn also makes the bamboo sheets both insulating and breathable, making them perfect to sleep on in both the summer and the winter. It acts as a thermal regulator to one’s body temperature. Research suggests that the bamboo material stays about two to three degrees cooler then there is warm weather and a few degrees warmer when the nights turn cold.

I have good news!  My supplier of Pure Fiber products for is have a sale through Sunday, August 11.  Bath and Bedding products are on sale for about 20% off so I am passing the deals on to all who are interested. 

Three Piece Towel Set (bath, hand and wash cloth) now $34.99


Thursday, March 7, 2013

The 411 on Plastic Bottles and Containers

I don't know about you but I never know/remember what the numbers at the bottom of  plastic containers mean.  Here is a little primer from by way of The Green Guide, a website and magazine operated by the National Geographic Society .

"The safest plastics for.... storing food are made from high-density polyethylene (HDPE, or plastic #2), low-density polyethylene (LDPE, or plastic #4) and polypropylene (PP, or plastic #5)."

Watch out for plastics with #3s, #6s and #7s.  These containers have the potential to leach toxins when repeatedly  reused.  You are better off using these containers and tubs for non-food item storage.

Plastics with a #1 (PET), like plastic water and soda bottles are not known to leach harmful toxins into contents when reused. It can be tricky to properly clean and dry the plastic bottles with the small opening.  As a result the bottles may begin harboring harmful bacteria. Make sure to clean the bottles, carefully, or re-purpose them for non-food uses.

cg recycled bottle birdfeederSo, here are some other interesting uses for your plastic containers:
Bird Feeders: Using 1 liter bottles and miscellaneous other containers.
Here is  one of the options--it is a little involved though. Here is the link for instructions if you are so inspired.  Here are a couple of other bird feeders you can make with plastic bottles.

Is this not the coolest looking light? You need bottles made of HDPE plastic (#2), milk jugs, shampoo, soda and water bottles. Another complex project but imagine how cool this would look in your place.
An entry in the design contest  Concept Product of 2009, Sarah Turner's lamp constructed  from used drink bottles is an inspirtation to say the least. Photo:
This last one is a little easier and something for the kids and all those yogurt containers.  Great project for the kids on a rainy day.
On a final and unrelated note, Bamboo Bedding Plus is having a sale on blankets and throws now through Sunday, March 10.  A shameless plug but imagine curling up on a cold night with one of these.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

New Bamboo Bedding Offerings at Bamboo Bedding Plus

Bamboo Bedding Plus is pleased to announce the addition of a new vendor of 100% bamboo bedding offerings, bringing more sustainable and quality bamboo sheets, duvet covers, shams and throws to the environmentally conscious consumer.

February 11, 2013

Chicago, IL

Bamboo Bedding Plus ( is excited to announce the addition of a new supplier for more bamboo bedding offerings.  Bed Voyage’s focus is similar to our own.  They are committed to sustainability, social responsibility and quality.

Aside from using bamboo for their sheets, blankets, shams and duvet covers, Bed Voyage has an extremely eco-friendly process.  They hold Oeko-Tex Confidence Certification, a review process conducted by large national retailers.  Their fiber processing is a “closed loop” system, meaning the solvent employed to transform the bamboo stalks to fiber is continually recycled during production.  This lowers emissions significantly, notably less than the manufacture of other man-made fibers.

Bed Voyage takes their commitment to social responsibility seriously.  In addition to keeping the emissions from their factories low, they only work with Asian factories that have passed a social responsibility audit: no children work at the factories that produce their linens; employees are paid fair wages and interviewed to make sure their working conditions are acceptable.

The quality of their bedding is exceptional.  Bed Voyage uses 100% bamboo in its line of bed bamboo bedding.  The bedding is constructed with a “twill weave”, making their extremely durable and exceptionally soft.  Their products are continually testing their products and conduct research to improve their products.  Knowing that what is on your bedding can seep into your pores while you sleep, Bed Voyage has omitted both Antimony Trioxide, a flame retardant, and formaldehyde, commonly used to make sheets wrinkle resistant.

Bamboo Bedding Plus is pleased to continue offering quality bamboo bedding and towels for the environmentally conscious consumer.  For more information and to view the selection Bed Voyage bedding and throws available go to is an eco-friendly company, providing bamboo sheets and towels as an alternative to cotton, cotton blend and synthetic fiber bed and bath linens.

Bamboo Bedding Plus

Diane Fifles, Owner
