Wow-kind of a verbose name for a website but Household Magic Daily Tips has had some good ones for clothes and stains. I haven't tried these yet but the tips look promising.
1. Deodorant smudge on your dark shirt? Use a clean pair of nylons/pantyhose to wipe it off.
2. Trouble keeping that while shirt, white? In a basin of just boiled water, add the juice of one small lemon. Soak the shirt for at least 30 minutes, then launder as usual.
3. Need to remove grass stains? Cover stains with rubbing alcohol and soak for 10 to 15 minutes. Rinse out the alcohol and wash.
4. Don't want to use dryer sheets but still want to eliminate static cling? Crumble up a piece of tin foil and throw it in the dryer with wet clothes. Be careful not to put in with delicates (sheer silk garments) or anything that can be snagged easily.
5. One of the biggest causes of stains in my house is from chocolate. Make a paste with borax powder and water or with meat tenderizer and water, rub it into the stain and let it sit for an hour, rub off the past and launder garment. I don't have either of these in the house, but may start stocking up.
6. Grease stains? Now the ladies at Household Magic Daily Tips say to use salt on grease stains on a sofa, but don't see why it wouldn't work on clothes too. Rub table salt onto the stain and let stand for a half hour to absorb the grease and then brush off. Have to be careful with delicate fabrics. I have also used corn starch on grease stains and that works too.
One last interesting tip they provide--use unwaxed dental floss to sew on buttons--it is stronger than cotton thread.