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Thursday, April 5, 2012

Easter is Coming!

I'll be honest the favorite part of Easter has always been the candy.  Specifically the chocolate but as I was going through my emails this morning, there was an article from All You for twelve different ways to decorate Easter eggs.  I love the idea of crafty stuff, although I don't to much of it.  So,  I am going to give you some ideas I found on the web for decorating your East eggs if you want to get beyond the dye and the vinegar. 

Easter Egg Vase from All You
1.  From the same All You article: This requires hollowing out the egg --which you do with a raw egg, basically poke a hole in each end of the egg and blow.  I tried something like this one year and almost popped an ear drum.  But they are pretty.  Click here for directions on how to create these.

2.  Also from the same article and a little simpler for smaller children: making bunnies and chicks out of the eggs.
3.  One more from this article, thought it was so creative and pretty: an Easter egg votive.

For the other Easter Egg ideas from All You, click here.

The next  website was from Disney Family Fun.

4.  This first one cracked me up.  No pun intended.  They are called Dye-ving Dudes.  You can get instructions on how to make them here.
Dye-ving Dudes from Disney Family Fun

5.  A little more traditional, but pretty cool looking are the tie-dyed eggs.

6.  On this site they have a series of different animals and people your can make.  I think the purple cow is my favorite.

There are many more creative ideas for eggs including a super hero at Disney Family Fun.
Superegg-man Egg from Disney Family Fun
Purple Cow Egg from Disney Family Fun

I found more! Come check out my board on Pinterest.

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