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Saturday, October 27, 2012

Hodge Podge..or random interesting tips I have picked up in the last week

Hi All:

Didn't have one topic to go with today so I am going to give a few few quick and dirty tips I've picked up in the last week or so.

1. Red wine stained your favorite blouse?  Use more wine!  White wine that is.   Pour white wine over the stain and through the cloth of the garment (think of the garment as a sieve, if you have trouble picturing it). Then run it through the wash and the stain should come right out in the cycle. Courtesy of The Domestic CEO by way of the

Matthew Petty/flickr
Pinned via the Web
2. Binder clips.  Not just for paper any more.  I have used them to clip open chip bags but others have used them to keep cords on their desk tidy and others have used them as "book ends" to stop bottles from rolling around in the fridge.  This is from an article on, 10 Organizing Ideas That Will Change Your Life.  Not sure about that, but they are good ideas.

3.  Keep your recycling bin near the front door so you can dump the junk mail as soon as you pick it up from the mail box.  This came from the same article. Thought this was excellent.  I end up with pieces of junk mail and fliers cluttering my counter until they find their way to the building recycling dumpster.

4.  And, for those who still send holiday cards, first, thank you.  Second, there is a site called  There are billions of dollars a year spent on holiday cards.  This site has more than 150 organizations which are selling cards to aid their organization. Some of the organizations include: the Art Institute of Chicago, National Wildlife Federation, and the Hunger Task Force of Milwaukee.  From Real Simple.

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