Sometimes, its nice to have a little extra cash. There are ways to find additional money without having to get a new job. A few of these I have used in the past, which I will get to later, but, while getting rid of a bunch of stuff over the last few weeks, I found ways to capitalize on some of the items I owned.
1. The Yard/Garage Sale.
It started a couple of years ago, I started sticking things that I wasn't using in my storage unit. The thought was I would eventually have a yard sale, maybe even recruit a few of my neighbors to join me. Well, the storage unit was getting more crowded and I kept putting organizing a sale off. Well, this year I finally set a date in August.
As I was getting ready for the sale, I found an article on the Real Simple website on how to throw a yard sale, things you need, ideas for pricing, supplies you need, how to set up, etc. It was extremely useful. The most useful information in the article is the secret to the succes of a garage sale was getting people to the sale, and, boy is that true. Obviously, the more people who see your stuff, the more likely you are to get rid of it. I put up signs around the neighborhood, put a listing on Craig's List, the Chicago Reader's site, and Now, it doesn't help that I live on a street which is 2 blocks long but, I definitely think that running a few print ads would have proven beneficial. I sold some things, made a some money but compared to the amount of time I put into getting ready for the sale, the amount I earned, didn't seem worth it. Still, it was money in my pocket.
Tomorrow -- ideas for liquidating things you may be thinking about getting rid of.
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